Friday, August 20, 2010

Adjusting to life off work

Life goes on, as the saying goes. More paperwork filed out, more decisions made. We did receive another offer on the house, so that makes 3 now. We turned this one down also, however, because they wanted us to pay the full bill for closing costs. It was closer price wise, but when you deduct the closing costs, it was too low. I have heard of people wanting to split the closing with the seller, but never one wanting the seller to pay all of it. Since we are in no big hurry or have any pressing need to sell the house, we have opted to wait for the right offer to come along. As TDH says, every month we are here is more we pay off on it, lol, so it only benefits us to stay. I understand people ‘bargain hunting’ but get real.
Anyway, now that I’m not drop dead tired constantly I can diddle with typing this blog, take a break, diddle a bit more, take a break. It’s an ongoing adjustment, being without work. I’m adapting better than I had thought I would. Of course, so far I’ve been rather busy with all the legal issues and so forth, as that settles down the pace of life will change again. It is SO nice though, to work a bit, take a break, work a bit, take a break. I can get a bit done that way, without dislocating everything since I can stop when I feel it flaring up and then resume when it has settled down again. I can pace myself, unlike a typical 8 hour work day were you are trying to cram in as much as humanly possible. I can rotate what I’m doing too, so I’m not over taxing the same joints. One day diddle with my plants, one day clean the floors, one day dusting (who knew that would dislocate your shoulders??), one day folding laundry that TDH has so graciously done and brought upstairs for me. I spent a whole hour the other day working on my t-shirt drawer! It was dumped when the guys moved the furniture out for the new carpet to be put in, I just never had the energy or finger/wrist strength left to deal with it after working all day/week.
One perk I figured would happen, but wasn’t positive it would, was that I always feel so much better when things are organized and clean. I just feel more settled and sure about things. For one thing, when you have to seriously think about HOW you are going to walk across a space and mentally plan what you can grab if the hip gives out, or what spot you should aim for if you can’t stay up right, the LACK of clutter is very important! A straight line is much easier to walk than one that weaves around piles of stuff. Same for mail or filing, it’s much easier to flip to what I need with minimal dislocation of fingers, than it is to have to pick up a pile of junk to sift through and try to find what I need- and popping fingers and wrists out of place in the process. Yes, I DO file stuff… partially to satisfy that inner control freak, but mostly because I get tired of hearing “Honey? Do you know where ……. is?” and it never fails is something important- like the light bill, or property tax receipt- that is needed right away. So it serves dual purpose, calming the inner control freak and it keeps me from having to strain fingers/wrists trying to find it.
I am looking into things to keep myself ‘busy’, too. I can’t commit to ‘normal’ hobbies because most are too physically demanding. So I’m going to ‘un-commit’ to a few, lol, if that makes sense. I do better when I have a game plan, so I’m making myself one. I’m working on a schedule that is looking something like this:
2 days a week- 1 hour (total- not necessarily all at once) of:
writing (blog or stories);
searching out something interesting to photograph;
actually photographing them;
cleaning something in the house (ie: kitchen, bathroom, etc.);
cleaning something that needs it (ie: old files that need shredding, storing photos in archival boxes);
baking/cooking (I love whole grain breads and making pasta from scratch, etc.);
making the homemade soaps and lotions I love- no artificial crud for me- my skin is too sensitive with EDS;
and lastly
Learn 1 new thing a week.
I figure just figuring out how to get all that done without dislocating something should take me at least 2 weeks. Plus for some of it I have to enlist the aid of others, mainly TDH or my best friends. I can’t carry up the boxes of photographs that need going through and stored properly, or carry in groceries, etc. Plus I have to figure out how to do it on a very limited budget, lol, which is going to be a challenge in and of itself.