Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hip Therapy again

9 14 2010
Hip therapy.
Today I go in for my second round of shots in my hip. I had this done a year ago and it helped a lot, so we decided to do it again. This time though, the doctor used a much ‘hotter’ solution for the injection. The injections go into my ligaments and get them to create scar tissue, which draws up the ligament and makes it some what tighter. Of course with EDS, it doesn’t last for very long. They re-stretch in about a year. The shots themselves are some what painful, but the following few days are the worst. It doesn’t help one bit that I hate needles with a passion.
Before my appointment for my shots, however, I have errands to run. I have to stop by the eye doctors and talk with them about the surgeon he is going to refer me to. Then I have to go by the MO Career Center as part of my Unemployment Benefits. Their purpose is to help me find a job. So far, I haven’t had much luck on my own. I do get interviews, but when I show up in my wheelchair I can tell by the look in their eyes that I might as well go home. No one wants to hire me. The only ones that might are the ones that ‘have to’ because of their employment guidelines. Unfortunately those are also not very good paying jobs. In my case, the chances of me finding a good paying job are pretty slim. I have a ton of training and experience, but no one wants the wheels. It is rather a downer, in some ways, because I want to work.
That’s a subject for another post, I think. At any rate, I’m dreading the shots today. Hoping they work but dreading the process. I do find it hard to move around after the fact, so it’s probably a good thing I already have to drive with my left foot. I injured my right foot on the job, dislocated some bones and stretched out the tendons, now it’s too painful for me to use it on the gas/break pedals. I had to learn to drive with my left foot while I had it in the walking boot (camwalker) for 6 weeks anyway. Interesting thing unlearning to use the right foot and learning to use the left foot on all the pedals. Luckily for me, I drove a clutch for years when I was younger, so the concept of using the left foot on the pedals wasn’t a completely foreign concept to my brain. The rotten part is that I have to drive barefoot. For what ever reason I can’t feel the pedals very well with a shoe on and have much better control without the shoe. Driving a large vehicle (because of the wheelchair lift) having good control is a must.
I’m off, I’ll write again soon. Laters!

Friday, September 10, 2010

What is EDS?

EDS stands for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. In technical speak it’s a genetic defect of the Type II Collagen. There are different ‘types’ of EDS, broken down into categories of symptoms and doctors/geneticists lump you into the ‘type’ that lines up with the majority or the severest of your symptoms. This can lead to more confusion, however, because most people with EDS have cross over symptoms of the other ‘types’.

So, in non-technical speak- what is EDS? It’s something different for each person that has it, to the degree they have it and even to the degree that each of the individual symptoms of it manifests. To understand EDS you have to understand that Collagen is ta substance in the body that occurs naturally. It’s responsible for making things stretchy, by things I actually mean EVERYTHING. Think for a moment on everything in your body that stretches. The most obvious are tendons/ligaments that allow your joints to move. With out stretching your arms wouldn’t bend, nor your knees. That is obvious enough, right? Okay, now spread your mind out further and try thinking of other things that stretch. Collagen is a major ingredient in the cosmetic industry because collagen is what makes your skin stretchy. As you age you loose your collagen and wrinkles form. The often over looked stretchy things are blood vessels, eyes and internal organs. Think of how a doctor measures your blood pressure, it is by the expansion and contraction rate of the blood vessels as they carry the blood in pulses away from and back to your heart. Without collagen those vessels would not expand and contract.

Now, the basics aside, people with EDS actually have too much collagen. Things are too stretchy. Probably the most dramatic of the types involves the skin and leads to the person being able to pull their skin away from their underlying structures. It has been featured on television shows and medical mysteries series. It’s very easy to see and understand that there is something obviously not ‘normal’ going on. In the other cases of EDS, it’s not nearly so easy or clear. The vascular type mainly affects the blood vessels and these people are very prone bleeding, scarring and sudden death due to aneurysms. This type killed my father when he was only 29, although it was not discovered until my own diagnosis that this was the case.

In hypermobility type, which is the ‘type’ that I fall into, the joints are all very loose and dislocate or sublex (partially dislocate) very easily. This type is often seen in circus shows with contortionists who bend in ways that make a normal person cringe. Beyond the obvious joints that are affected, knees, elbows, etc, there are the ones that people do not even consider to be joints. These include the small bones in your feet and hands or your ribs. A bear hug can literally cause me hours of agony by displacing ribs. I personally dislocate just about everything to some degree, my most stable joints are actually my elbows, which is opposite of the ‘standard’ hypermobility case.

As I have aged my joints have become more unstable, and bouts of extreme stress seem to accelerate jumps in the progression. I have had difficulty all my life, but because EDS was considered to be so “rare” it was never even discussed. I do recall one doctor saying I was far to hypermobile when I was very young. I was having difficulty in gym class and my gym teacher gave me an ‘unsatisfactory’ mark, when asked to explain why, he said it was because he’d never seen a skinnier lazy kid. Every time I was asked to do something that involved running, I would run a bit and fall down. His assessment was that I was falling down to get out of the running. The doctor’s assessment was I was hypermobile and having trouble with actually physically running. The problem followed me through my entire school career.

About 10 years ago I underwent a situation of extreme stress that seemed to set in motion a rapid progression of some symptoms. My joints became more unstable, my skin thinner and easier to scar and tear, bruising came with slight touches. It has progressed in fits and starts since then, with my hip becoming the largest ‘problem’. After two years of trying to figure out why surgeries didn’t help with my knee hyperextensions and why my hip would just not stay in place I ended up at the Mayo Clinic. There was diagnosed in the Genetics Dept has having EDS, hypermobility type. It opened up a whole new world. I learned that the things I had been experiencing were common problems with EDS’ers and I began to feel less and less like I was totally alone with this. The problem is that EDS is still considered to be a ‘rare’ defect so it’s not taught in medical schools outside of a short paragraph in a book. Trying to find a doctor that even knows what EDS is, much less what to do and not to do with it/for it is a real challenge.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lattice Degeneration and Retina Tearing.

Months ago I noticed a black line in my left eye that resembled a piece of lint. At first I figured something was on my contact, took it out and cleaned it several times and realized that it wasn’t. I just blew it off and figured I would check it at my regular eye exam, no big deal. Well, yesterday was my regular eye exam and turns out I was wrong. In the time since my last eye exam apparently I’ve had a significant increase in degeneration and the ‘lint’ was actually a ‘floater’ caused by fluid leaking into my retina. Now, I’ve been seeing my eye doctor for 25 years, he’s an excellent doctor, and a really genuine good person. I’ve never, ever seen him that upset about something. He berated me firmly, but gently, for not calling him right away when the floater appeared and then reiterated the fact that we that have EDS are more prone to sudden retina separation. Not getting treatment in time could lead to irreversible blindness. He wrote with big letters in permanent marker “HIGH RISK OF RETINAL DETACHMENT!!!” and “GET DR. IMMEDIATELY IF PT CALLS!” Okay, that act alone sort of drove home the point.
He went through what was going on with it after the dilation and exam and told me I have some options but with me having EDS he wasn’t at all confident about which option would be the best. He asked me to do some digging for info on my end while he did the same on his. Together we will decide what the best course of action is from there. He wrote down the specifics to make it easier for me to do searches on and David and I went home.
Now, I hate overreacting to things and I try not to, but the idea of going blind just hit me like a 2x4 upside the head. I’ve dealt with fractures, surgeries, daily dislocations and been stuck in the wheelchair because of my hip refusing to stay in the socket. I’ve adapted to things in a ton of different ways, replacing glasses with plastic cups, only purchasing certain shapes of cups so that it’s easier for me to hold and less likely I’ll drop, replacing my glass measuring cups with plastic ones, buying pints of milk because gallons are too heavy, cutting my hair short so I don’t have to try and blow dry it, etc. The list goes on and on. All of them were thought out and accepted because it was/is the best course of action. I’ve done my best to just roll with the punches and not be all drama about them. But going blind?? It was just a ‘full stop’ moment. I can deal with not walking, giving up hiking, giving up my horse, giving up solo grocery shopping, not riding my bike anymore, not being able to go for a nice long stress relieving run, but going blind? BLIND?!?!
So my day yesterday rather was blah. It took me the whole day to just wrap my mind around the idea that I could go blind. Once I did get it wrapped up and plopped a bow on top I returned to my more normal attitude of ‘just another part of life with EDS’ attitude. Then I started searching for information, education is key to just about any condition. I haven’t made any decisions on what I want to do yet. For one, I don’t really want to pursue any further ‘treatments’ until after our first grandbaby arrives. After that, well, we shall see. Some of the things I read highly suggest being preemptive, having surgery to try and stop further thinning and tearing which could possibly stop the spontaneous retina separation from occurring. Others suggest the wait and see approach but if this or that happens then you are forced into a full blown surgery to try and repair the separated retina, which has a much higher failure rate than the preemptive surgery. So, for now at least I will wait. Once the grandbaby is here and I’m back home from helping out his mommy, then I will take up the cause again and make a decision.
Laters =)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation
Yesterday was my appointment with Voc Rehab. I made the appointment at the suggestion of a friend who was once in a similar position as I am. I do not know about other states, but Missouri has a Vocational Rehabilitation department that is a sub-department of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Voc Rehab is a tax payer funded department that exists to help persons with disabilities find employment. They offer Physical and/or Occupational Therapy, on the job training, assistive devices to enable you to work- such as help purchasing or completely purchasing wheelchairs, lifts, prosthetics, specialized devices or software, and other such items as would make it possible for the disabled to obtain and sustain gainful employment. For instance, because my fingers dislocate, become cramped and are very painful when I attempt to type for longer than short periods with longer rest periods, they would purchase Dragon Naturally Speaking software for me. That would allow me to still ‘type’ letters and emails, but by speaking instead of using the keyboard.
I reported a few minutes early for my appointment and waited in the lobby with 5 others waiting for the group orientation. When the time arrived they lead us all to a conference room and gave a slide show presentation on what Voc Rehab does, how and for whom. After than we were met with individually by the counselors, so that no one had to disclose personal information in the group setting, while waiting our turns, one of the other 5 decided to just up and leave. It was a mother and son, the son was the one seeking help, but the mother seemed to be running the show. She decided, and announced loudly to those of us still in the room after the counselors had left, that this was a total waste of time.
When my turn came I met with the district supervisor. He was a very nice fellow, around my age and obviously intelligent. He asked for my pre-filled out paper work, glanced it over, then began asking me questions. Mostly his questions were regarding EDS, as expected, since most people do not even know what it is. After about 20 minutes of Q & A he stated that there really wasn’t much he could do for me at this point. He said that I should seriously consider applying for SSD and once on SSD to come back and see him again. He stated that because of the numerous restrictions they would have to ask for from a potential employer, they would need to have the back up support of me being on SSD to justify it. Also, because it is partially income based and David makes more than the maximum limit, they wouldn’t be able to help with much of anything other than job placement. Effectively one cancelled out the other. However, if you are on SSD, all of the income guidelines are automatically dismissed. So, for me to get maximum benefit from Voc Rehab I need to get on SSD.
When (and if) I get on SSD, then they can help me in all of the ways they offer. He also explained that there is an option with SSD that is basically a “work incentive”. If you want to work, you can earn up to $900 a month without it affecting your SSD benefit amount. With the additional work incentive, however, you can actually make more than that. Essentially what the work incentive is, is a form that Voc Rehab fills out and submits to SSD for you. On this form they list what it costs for you to actually be able to work. In my case, they would figure an amount for the maintenance on my wheelchair, maintenance on my lift, braces, extra medications, etc. Once SS approved it then I could actually get a job earning the $900 minimum PLUS the amount of the work incentive and not loose my SSD benefits. He figured with this set up, I could be making a month nearly what I was making working full time.
I will write more later, I’ve worked on this periodically all day long and now my fingers are just too tired. Lol. TH