Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hip Therapy again

9 14 2010
Hip therapy.
Today I go in for my second round of shots in my hip. I had this done a year ago and it helped a lot, so we decided to do it again. This time though, the doctor used a much ‘hotter’ solution for the injection. The injections go into my ligaments and get them to create scar tissue, which draws up the ligament and makes it some what tighter. Of course with EDS, it doesn’t last for very long. They re-stretch in about a year. The shots themselves are some what painful, but the following few days are the worst. It doesn’t help one bit that I hate needles with a passion.
Before my appointment for my shots, however, I have errands to run. I have to stop by the eye doctors and talk with them about the surgeon he is going to refer me to. Then I have to go by the MO Career Center as part of my Unemployment Benefits. Their purpose is to help me find a job. So far, I haven’t had much luck on my own. I do get interviews, but when I show up in my wheelchair I can tell by the look in their eyes that I might as well go home. No one wants to hire me. The only ones that might are the ones that ‘have to’ because of their employment guidelines. Unfortunately those are also not very good paying jobs. In my case, the chances of me finding a good paying job are pretty slim. I have a ton of training and experience, but no one wants the wheels. It is rather a downer, in some ways, because I want to work.
That’s a subject for another post, I think. At any rate, I’m dreading the shots today. Hoping they work but dreading the process. I do find it hard to move around after the fact, so it’s probably a good thing I already have to drive with my left foot. I injured my right foot on the job, dislocated some bones and stretched out the tendons, now it’s too painful for me to use it on the gas/break pedals. I had to learn to drive with my left foot while I had it in the walking boot (camwalker) for 6 weeks anyway. Interesting thing unlearning to use the right foot and learning to use the left foot on all the pedals. Luckily for me, I drove a clutch for years when I was younger, so the concept of using the left foot on the pedals wasn’t a completely foreign concept to my brain. The rotten part is that I have to drive barefoot. For what ever reason I can’t feel the pedals very well with a shoe on and have much better control without the shoe. Driving a large vehicle (because of the wheelchair lift) having good control is a must.
I’m off, I’ll write again soon. Laters!


stipeygirl75 said...

Good luck! That is a bummer about the employers. We used to have a man in a wheelchair at our office. But we are a retirement community so we're used to wheelchairs and walkers! I hope you find a nice understanding place soon! I tried prolo on my shoulders once, but it didn't do much good besides making me dizzy from all the needles.

- Sarah

Pink Doberman said...

Thinking of you. I hope that you come across a wonderful employer, who sees you for your capabilities.